How would you like to hand your Crew Foreman a check for $250? All you have to do is nominate them below. Each winning Crew Foreman of the Month will be featured in Frame Building News magazine and receive a $250 check. And that’s not all – a Crew Foreman of the Year will be selected from our pool of monthly winners, and will receive $500 and be honored at the annual Frame Building Expo.

Please note: Photos should be sent to We request that you send a photo of your nominee along with 6 high resolution photos of projects they have worked on. Project descriptions should be sent as well.

Contact Information

First Name
Last Name

Company Information

Organization Name
City State Zip
Work Phone

Nomination Questions

What is the name of your nominee:
Length of time he/she has worked for your company? How did they come up through the company?
How many employees or crews does he/she manage?
What makes him/her standout from other employees? The more detail here, the better.
What are some traits this employee possesses (dependability, attitude, leadership, etc.)?
How has his/her performance increased your bottom line?
Do customers request this foreman for their construction projects and why?
Is this foreman responsible for any employee training, safety, etc.?
In your own words, why does this individual deserve to be named NFBA foreman of the month? Please give us 4-6 complete sentences.

Please send high resolution photos to Rachel at ; We request that you send a photo of your nominee along with 6 -8 high resolution photos of projects they have worked on. Project descriptions should be sent as well.

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